Process Post 3 – Site Structure

Website Structure

I like to think that my website has a simple structure. I mean, there are only three sections after all. My thoughts, Posiel, and the About Me. I prefer it this way because it simplifies the site navigation, and I use tables to list my posts, so most of the content is bundled together in my sections.

Website content structure diagram

This way all the publicly facing posts for my audience are available in one section, while all of my PUB101 content is kept in another. I don’t feel a need to separate the process posts, mini assignments, and other PUB101 work because my posts table can list all of those posts just fine.

Post table showing show posts are listed on each of my section pages

Social Platforms

The social platforms I would consider using for the expansion of my blog presence would probably be either Twitter, Instagram, or Reddit because those are the only social platforms that I use.

From my personal experience of using Reddit, it seems like it wouldn’t be a bad idea because you can easily find communities that would fit your audience. The tricky part is probably figuring out how to align my content to fit the interests of those communities, just because those communities will likely already have other content creators along with standards and expectations set for what content is posted.

As for Instagram, I don’t think Instagram would suit my blogging needs. It’s very image oriented as each Instagram post focuses on the image, with the caption being a secondary element. Due to that, I would pass on Instagram.

Twitter seems to be my best bet as it seems to be the most versatile platform. There are no specific enclosed communities like on Reddit and it works fine with either text or images unlike Instagram. Given that this is “Thoughts By Tem” after all, Twitter makes sense because each tweet is basically a “thought” of its own.

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