Peer Review 1 – Parsa’s Reviews

It’s time to review someone else’s PUB 101 blog. Today, our victim is Parsa’s Reviews. Parsa’s blog is a passionate little place where Parsa gives his honest feelings on the games he has played. In fact, one of the games he reviews is actually one that I’m quite fond of, Elden Ring.

Front Page

Screenshot of Parsa's Reviews - Front page

At first glance, this seems to be a relatively simple front page layout. The blue navigation bar and the categories side panel make it easy for me to find the posts that I’m looking for. Not that there is anything in particular I’m looking for since I’m a first-time visitor.

Anyways, without much thought as to where to go next, I decide to take a look at Parsa’s first post, which is a review of Elden Ring. Read it alongside me here: Elden Ring Review – Parsa’s Reviews

Game Reviews / Blog Content

I like the way that Parsa structures his posts. The subheadings make it easy to understand the order of his thoughts, what they cover, and the details behind it. This allows for an easy read, which means I can better understand his ideas.

The way Parsa talks about each aspect of the game (gameplay, difficulty, story, etc.) shows a lot of passion and thought as he tries to describe the game experience in a few concise words. The enthusiasm that Parsa conveys through his words help create a clearer image of his online self as a passionate gamer that seeks to bring new players to the games that he loves.

One thing that I am left wondering as a reader, however, is how Parsa rates the games that he reviews. Although it is scored out of 10, what defines this criteria and how does he form these decisions when it comes to his ratings? From reading the posts, I can tell that Parsa is dedicated and cares a lot about the games that he plays, but I can’t tell which aspects of the game he cares for most.

What is it that makes Parsa decide whether something is “good” as opposed to “great”? That sort of thinking is not visible to myself as a member of his audience, but for his online self as a game reviewer, I think it would help the audience better understand him if we could understand how he thinks.

So to attempt to better understand Parsa, I go to his About Me page.

About Me

I was still hoping to find some more details on how Parsa conducts his ratings, but I didn’t and that’s okay. On Parsa’s About Me, he describes himself, who he is, and what drove him to start a game review blog. Everything about the way he describes himself perfectly matches how he presents his online self through his game reviews. Enthusiastic, honest, and driven by a huge love for video games!


Overall, it appears that Parsa understands the online persona that he is crafting on his blog, and he is doing well catering to his audience under that guise.

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