Peer Review 3 – Insights For Ink

The last peer review to be done will be for Insights For Ink. Upon arriving on this blog, it would appear that this blog is a place for the author to share their works of writing. The writing itself uses the author’s past experience as a source of inspiration and ideation. To put it short, this blog centres itself around the author’s life and the pieces of writing derived from it.

As the main point of this peer review is to discuss a blog’s marketability, I will touch upon several points of the blog which include: Landing page, post content, and overall design.

One important bit I noticed is that the landing page doesn’t make it immediately clear what sort of place the blog is. 

I would say this is a potential flaw as it could contribute to the bounce rate. It would be important to design the landing page in a manner such that a visitor will immediately be able to tell whether or not this blog has the content they are looking for. The page requires visitors to scroll down to find a description of the blog, and then they must scroll deeper to find listings of blog posts. 

As for the content in the blog posts, I would say that the content is fair and suitable for the perceived target audience of the blog. If anything, I think it would do the blog well if the landing page could include an excerpt or sample of writing from the blog posts. That way the identity of the blog can be better established on the landing page. 

In addition, the blog post listing at the bottom of the page could be changed such that it only displays posts relevant to visitors. That is to say, filter out the Posiel related posts. The gold of this blog lies in its posts, so it would be best if that could be better showcased on the landing page.

Perhaps something that would be helpful in making the blog more marketable would be to include some form of a call to action. Something that provides visitors with a recommended first step on the blog. This would relate back to showing a sample of writing from one of the blog posts on the landing page. It could be used to provide visitors with a demo, then give them a call to action to head to that post and read the full piece of writing.

Overall, the blog has excellent content, it just needs to better leverage its landing page to provide visitors with what they could be interested in. Less telling about the content, and more showing the content itself. 

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