Nagoya’s Specialty: Misokatsu Yabaton

On my trip, I visited Nagoya on a daytrip from Osaka to meet up with a friend of mine. They’re a Nagoya local and brought me to the finest food court that has ever courted my taste buds. Well, it’s not exactly a food court, but rather a cluster of 4 restaurants that share the same seating space. It’s called Maruhachi Nagoya and it’s a 5 minute walk away from Nagoya Station.

At this food court, they serve:

  • Misokatsu (tonkatsu with miso sauce)
  • Oyakodon (chicken & egg rice bowl)
  • Hitsumabushi (chopped eel rice bowl)
  • Chicken Wings (chicken wings)

Misokatsu Yabaton

Misokatsu Yabaton is a large restaurant chain that serves misokatsu which is a dish that originated in Nagoya and is well known as one of Nagoya’s specialties.


Although Misokatsu Yabaton does have locations in Tokyo and other regions outside of Nagoya, it’s probably a lot better to try it where it originated from!

It is just the good ol’ tonkatsu with rice, but the miso sauce on top really gives it a different feel! I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is a fan of tonkatsu, which I imagine most people are.

Everything Else

I also did try the oyakodon restaurant! It was probably the best egg dish I have ever had. Like, ever. It was so rich, creamy, and delectable. It’s already quite well known that a staple Japanese food is tamago-kake gohan, which is raw egg cracked on top of rice, and this is basically that but on a WHOLE new level.

The same restaurant also serves chicken wings! Okay, chicken wings sound pretty normal, but chickens from Nagoya are special! They really are. They’re known as Nagoya Cochin chickens! They’re a sort of luxurious chicken that is not usually eaten on a regular basis. Sort of like Wagyu beef. Anyways, my point is these are really good chicken wings!

And as I mentioned before, there is also a eel rice bowl restaurant that is supposed to be really good as well, however I am only a human being and I can only eat so much. But the next time I come back, I will definitely give it a go.

Go to Nagoya, eat Nagoya specialty food. Thank me later.

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